Crystal Sound Chalices

“Weaving crystalline frequencies through our web of creation”

Our Crystal Sound Chalices have been developed as evolutionary tools that take sound healing and crystalline frequencies to another level. They are made from 99.9% Quartz crystal, therefore they resonate in synchronisation with our crystalline light bodies as well as our crystalline bone structure.

The way they have been designed as Chalices, perfectly weighted to be held in our hands, allows us to play them and create patterns of movement. Using our wrists, arms and full body motion. 

This creates multilayered soundscapes within three dimensional spaces that can be woven very intricately. 

The handle also allows us to very easily apply the crystalline frequencies on specific body parts of our clients, to work with circles, spirals or other rhythmic patterns.

Another revolutionary aspect in this design is the resonance the Chalices hold and the duration of time they continue to ring for after having been played. So the way they can be used and applied in spaces and on clients is with deep precision and intention. 

There is much more to be offered here than what you'd find with most other crystal sound healing tools on the market right now.

The Crystal Sound Chalices are all tuned to the natural earth frequency of 432Hz.

They are available in a wide range of keys.

If you require any guidance I am here to assist you in finding the perfect Chalice for you.


Our chakras and the musical notes that harmonise our mind, body and soul in resonates with frequency.

Request to order -

Due to extended delivery times, there is low stock on chalices. They can be made to order and sometimes chalice are available right away. To purchase a chalice please fill out the request to order form.  

I will get back to you after receiving your information and details. Rest assured we will find the Chalice most suited to you and once everything is clear we will proceed to process your order and complete your payment.

Thank you for your interest in the Crystal Sound Chalices and for weaving the beauty and magic of crystalline sound into creation.

Divine blessings,

Shamir Chadha Singh